What goes better with BBQ ribs than some Coleslaw? Grilling season is almost over, but Brussel Sprout season just started! Before you start roasting those green nuggets of nutritional density, let's try a different approach and mix them with some tangy and fresh dressing.
I use the food processor to shred the sprouts, but you can find pre-shredded Brussel Sprouts in your grocery store or you can use shredded cabbage and carrots for a classic picnic side dish.
- ½ Pound of Brussel Sprouts
- 1 Cup of Paleo Approved Mayo
- 1 oz. of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
- ½ tbsp. Celery Seed
- ¼ tsp. Cayenne
- ¼ tsp. Smoked Paprika
- 2 Cloves of fresh minced garlic
- 1 tsp. of Honey (optional)
- Salt and Pepper to taste
It's just so easy.
Measure the mayonnaise. In a separate vessel mix the apple cider vinegar and honey. Mince the garlic and fold it into the mayo with the rest of the spices.
Do not forget the celery seed!
Make sure to taste the dressing before mixing it with your Sprouts. Adjust as necessary.
I use my food processor to shred the Sprouts. It takes a couple of minutes and the Sprouts are shredded evenly.
You can watch this video for a quick overview.
14g per tablespoon, 16 tablespoons in one cup, 224g of mayo!
Add the dressing to the Brussel Sprout Slaw and chill in your refrigerator until it is ready to serve.
Make this recipe your own, you can add bacon, or cranberries, maybe some nuts. Make it more "wet" or keep it as is. Make your own mayo or sub the Apple Cider Vinegar with Rice Vinegar; there are endless possibilities. Just don't forget the celery seed.