Episode #38 - An Interview with Shawna Curry, RN


Hello everyone my guest today is Shawna Curry RN

Shawna has made her mark in the health and wellness space as an Amazon best-selling author, public speaker, and with her personalized health coaching.

Her company, Your Lifestyle Strategy, has been dedicated to total-health solutions and all of the aspects of healthy living including fitness, sleep, nutrition, self-help and overall lifestyle strategies.

As an Amazon bestselling author, Shawna is committed to helping people become the happiest and healthiest versions of themselves. Over nearly two decades, she has made her mark in the health and wellness space with live speaking engagements, published health articles and personalized health coaching. Through all of this, Shawna has also continued working as a Registered Nurse, and Professional Coach. This variety of experience has built a community of clients who benefit from her special form of intimate and inspiring health and wellness information.

In 2014, Shawna launched her company, Your Lifestyle Strategy. Over the past three years, this company has been dedicated to total-health solutions and all of the aspects of healthy living including fitness, sleep, nutrition, self-help and overall lifestyle strategies.

Shawna’s connection with her clients comes from her own unique journey to complete health and wellness. Her passion comes from her own experience overcoming feelings of being broken. Over the years, Shawna struggled with food sensitivities, inflammation and recovery from multiple sports injuries. She used her education and experience in the health and fitness world and some personal experimentation to find a program that allowed her to reach her goals and overcome her health challenges. She now uses this experience to inspire women to take charge of their own health and feel their best. You can be part of her movement by taking charge of your own health today.

Shawna has presented at the Ancestral Health Symposium, Mission Shift YYC, CARNA100 Conference, The Running Room, Lupus Society of Alberta, Alberta Health Services Women’s Health Resources, Momentum Health Calgary, and The Tech Shop. She has been a part of the Empowered Pregnancy and Recovery Summit and the Fertile Beginnings Program. Her writing has been published in Forbes Science, Inc. and Impact Magazines.

Furthering her commitment to help as many people as possible, Shawna’s current projects include promoting her book, “Healthy by Choice: Your Blueprint for Vital Living.” You can find out more about Shawna and her current work on her website at www.yourlifestylestrategy.com